Welcome to the fourth and final part of our series on DP-900 exam dumps! In the previous posts, we explored various collections of sample questions and answers available online and reviewed their potential relevance to the actual exam. If you missed any of the previous posts, you can find them here: part one, part two, and part three. Now, in this final post, we’ll wrap up our review with another batch of DP-900 exam dumps. So let’s dive in and see what we can learn from these last few questions!
Question # 31
To complete the sentence, select the appropriate option in the answer area.

A target data store powerful enough to transform data.
With ELT, the data store used to perform the transformation is the same data store where the data is ultimately consumed.
Question # 32

B. az storage account create
Table is created under a storage account. Also URL format for Azure Table Storage is http://<storage account>.table.core.windows.net/<table>
Question # 33
To complete the sentence, select the appropriate option in the answer area.

Core (SQL)
Azure Cosmos DB Core (SQL) API accounts provide support for querying items using the Structured Query Language (SQL) syntax.
Question # 34

ALTER – add/delete/modify column
UPDATE – edit an existing row
INSERT – insert new row
Question # 35
For each of the following statements, select Yes if the statement is true. Otherwise, select No.
NOTE: Each correct match is worth one point.

- Yes
- No
- Yes
Box 1: Yes – You can reduce the transfer of sensitive data with the transformation on the data source.
Box 2: No – ELT uses the compute resource from the destination system.
Box 3: Yes – ELT minimizes time with transformations that are going to be processed on target data destination systems.
Question # 36
You plan to deploy a PostgreSQL database to Azure. Which hosting model corresponds to the available deployment options?
To answer, select the appropriate options in the answer area.
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.

- Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
- Platform as a service (PaaS)
The correct answer is IaaS and PaaS.
Under Postgres on Azure VMs, everything is customer-managed which means Postgres on Azure VMs is an IaaS.
Question # 37
To complete the sentence, select the appropriate option in the answer area.

Graph databases
Graph databases can efficiently perform queries across the network of nodes and edges and analyze the relationships between entities.
Question # 39
To complete the sentence, select the appropriate option in the answer area.

A tabular form of rows and columns.
A relational database stores data in tables. Tables are organized into columns and rows.
Question # 40
To complete the sentence, select the appropriate option in the answer area.

A clustered index
To view the other posts, please refer to the following links: part one, part two, part three
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